Revived by the power of love: dead premature baby came back to life

When Kate and David Ogg were told their newborn son Jamie had passed away on March 25, 2010, they took him in their arms and cradled him to keep him warm
First-time parents Kate and David Ogg were heartbroken when they were told one of their twins - born two minutes apart at just 26 weeks - had stopped breathing and had just moments to live. Thinking it was the only time they would have with the tiny boy they had already decided to name Jamie, Kate asked to be able to hold the lifeless child, and told David to climb into the hospital bed for a tender embrace. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle
Jamie and Emily are now about to turn five years old and their parents have only recently told them of the miraculous story
Jamie and Emily are now about to turn five years old and their parents have only recently told them of the miraculous story
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