10 terrible deaths of WWE superstars

7. Randy Savage (Age: 58)
Randy Savage
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Randy Savage
Randy Savage is arguably one of the very few superstars who found their way into the mainstream culture during the latter stages of the golden era. Savage was known for his trademark costumes and raspy voice along with a distinct in-ring charisma.
 Savage even went on to land a role in the first Spider-man film, making it clear that his career wasn’t going to be restricted to just wrestling.
Though Savage was almost out of the wrestling business by the time of this death, the popularity and the reputation that he established during his time in the ring made the news of his death truly shocking.
Savage died from a heart attack at the age of 58 and caused a whirlwind of reactions from all around the wrestling community. His death is easily among the most impactful ones in wrestling history.

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  1. gta 5 apk
    The final stop on the road to Wrestlemania 29 is here. The Elimination Chamber is the final opportunity for WWE Superstars to get on the Wrestlemania bandwagon
