"Around 2am on Wednesday, I had serious pains and she rushed me to a private hospital near us. We knocked the hospital’s door for about 30 minutes, but nobody came out, so we left the place for another hospital in Ikeja, where she used for her ante-natal. She was six months and two weeks pregnant. She was with me till around 4pm when she said she wanted to go home. She was supposed to go to the immigration office for her data capture because she was to deliver her baby in the United States. But because of my illness, she postponed the appointment till Thursday. When she was about to leave, I decided to call someone to drive her home.”he said
said he called while they were on their way to know where exactly they
where and he was informed they just arrived their area. He said few
minutes later, he got a call from the driver who drove his wife that she
had been shot in the neck
was barely a year we got married that this happened. I am saddened
because she was my heart and brain. She was the reason for my
existence. She
was contented with the little I could afford us. I wish I had died and
both my wife and my son ─ the pregnancy was a baby boy ─ had lived. At
least, I would have had a son to survive me,” he said.
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