Why would you forget a £29,000 debt you took out with Northern Rock?

Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday's ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to contact him below. 
A.T.S. writes: About eight or nine years ago, my wife and I thought about taking out an equity release scheme on our bungalow, but in the end chose not to go ahead with it. 
Now that we are both in our 70s, we decided to restart the process with Aviva, only to be told that we already have a scheme running with Northern Rock and have already supposedly drawn thousands of pounds. We know nothing about this and have never had any such money.

On the face of it, this is a scandal. My first thought was that in the dying days of the now defunct Northern Rock, someone had put through your enquiry as a firm application, registered a mortgage against your home, but then failed to pay out the cash.
I checked with the Land Registry. Sure enough, there is a 2006 charge registered against your property, showing that you owe money to an offshoot of JP Morgan. I also spoke to the bank and it confirmed it had taken over Northern Rock’s equity release business, including the charge against your home.

However, all the paperwork was handled by yet another company, Capita, so I made contact with it and explained the problem again. Capita could not have been clearer. It has a mortgage deed signed by you and your wife, and its records show that £29,400 was paid out by Northern Rock to solicitors Preston Goldburn, who acted for you at the time. Most of that money went to pay off your debts, Capita believed.
When I put this to you, you remembered that you had in fact signed the mortgage deed, but you told me this was on the understanding it would not be used unless you later decided to go ahead. You also said that you knew nothing about the £29,400 used to pay off your debts.
So, my next stop was Preston Goldburn, the solicitors in Falmouth, Cornwall. They acted for you, not Northern Rock, and everything they did was in response to instructions from you or your wife. The firm was completely open in what it told me.

With your consent, Henry Preston handed over about 80 pages of documents and letters going back to 2005. These records show that in 2005 a credit company went to Cardiff County Court and obtained an order blocking any sale of your home until you or your wife repaid money owed. Your wife told the solicitors she remembered the debt but thought a relative had repaid it for her.
Preston Goldburn sent you a long letter, confirming you were borrowing £29,400 from Northern Rock. You and your wife signed the mortgage deed and the deal went ahead. The solicitors sent £13,134 to credit company Asset Link to pay off your debt, and a further £14,005 went to Lloyds TSB to pay off two roughly equal bank debts, one in your name and the other in your wife’s.
After costs, all that was left was £768. This was sent to your bank account, and the solicitors sent you a statement showing where every penny went. They also sent you a copy of the deed you signed, and a copy of the Land Registry record showing Northern Rock’s mortgage over your home.
Faced with this evidence, I find it hard to understand how you can say you know nothing about Northern Rock and never went ahead with the 2006 mortgage.
Surely you would have asked questions as soon as you saw the deed and Land Registry records? Surely you would have wondered why Asset Link was no longer expecting £13,134 or why Lloyds TSB had stopped pressing for its £14,005? Even the state of your bank account changed. You were overdrawn until the £768 landed and put you back in the black.
I have been over all of this with you. You eventually remembered that the Asset Link debt was a loan for a new kitchen, but you could not explain why you might have thought this had already been paid off before 2006.
The blunt facts are that you and your wife were badly in debt in 2006, and those debts were repaid from a new loan, the one from Northern Rock. You are fortunate that your home is worth more than the £40,000 – including interest – that you now owe, and that there is nothing to stop you staying in the house for life.
But it would be a brave lender who offered you more credit when you clearly have trouble recalling who you owe, how much you owe and why.
Boxing pro’s nickname floored life insurer 
M. N. writes: I have a Friends Life policy that I took out 50 years ago, and I pay a monthly premium of just over £2 by direct debit. Currently, the beneficiary would be my former wife, but I wish to change this to name my present spouse. I have been in touch with Friends Life and I spoke to a helpful person, but after half an hour on the phone they were unable to find my policy.
Clearly your premiums have been going somewhere, so I asked Friends Life to try again to track down your policy.
I am glad to report that it has been traced. Part of the problem is that you used to be a professional boxer under a variation of your name, and you still use both names today.
On top of this, a reorganisation a long time ago meant that your policy is not now registered under its original number, which is perhaps why it was hard to find.
Friends Life has since made contact with you and all you need to do is supply a simple statement, changing the beneficiary. Your policy provides an assured sum of £2,000, or if you would like to cash it in now, the surrender value is £916.
Ban for firms selling program that ‘guaranteed’ Footsie wins
Banned: D-Corporation Limited
Banned: D-Corporation Limited
Four companies involved in selling a computer program that was supposedly guaranteed to pick stock market winners have been ordered into liquidation by the High Court. 
The ruling comes after the Insolvency Service found evidence that sales literature included false claims, phoney testimonials, fake magazine articles recommending the program, and fictitious awards from financial bodies.
D-Corporation Limited, Direct Technologies Limited, Stock Market Charting Programs and Data Specialists Limited, and On Demand Sales Consultants Limited claimed their trading system could make over three billion calculations a day to meet investors’ needs.
The program was priced at £9,900, but customers were told they only needed to pay half up front. A guarantee promised there would be no further payment due until profits topped £30,000.
I named three of the four firms (somehow On Demand Sales Consultants stayed under the radar) in February last year, along with their bosses. I also revealed that the phone number for one of the institutions that awarded a prize for the program actually belonged to one of the firms selling it.
I warned that the guarantee did not cover the initial £4,950 cost, so if the program didn’t make a penny investors would be out of pocket and the sales firms would keep the cash.
Welcoming the court’s order to close the firms, Insolvency Service investigator Chris Mayhew said: ‘This investment opportunity was as dodgy as the testimonials. No one made any money apart from those behind the companies, and the guarantee of profits or all of your money back was as elusive to investors as the firms themselves.’
The investigation found that the four crooked firms raised at least £1 million from sales of the program. No prosecutions have been brought and the crooks have been allowed to keep the money.

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