Why you shouldn’t take your phone into the bathroom

Each of us are guilty of taking our Facebook news feed into the bathroom with us. But is this particular brand of multi-tasking causing us more harm than we think?

Some scientists say that doing this can expose you to germs such as salmonella, E. Coli and C. Difficile because of the routine of wiping yourself, touching the flusher, or toilet lock and then your phone.

Even leaving it to the side might not be that much better. Hygiene expert Dr Lisa Ackerly told Metro.co.uk  that "Spray could travel around six feet from the flush." So really, you shouldn’t be leaving much at all close to your toilet, especially not your toothbrush.

Dr. Ron Cutler from the University of London says germs can also last up to a couple of days on a phone because of the heat emit, creating a nice, warm environment for bacteria to thrive.
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