Is there anything wrong with a woman not wanting to change to her husband's name?

So because prolific writer Chimamanda Adichie asked to be
addressed as a Ms and not a Mrs, some people are
assuming she's separated from her US-based husband, Dr.
Ivara Esega?
In an interview with Sun Newspaper on Saturday March 1,
Ms Adichie told the interviewer who addressed her as Mrs
Chimamanda Adichie, to simply call her Chimamanda
“Before we start (the interview), please, I just want
to say that my name is Chimamanda Adichie. That’s
how I want it; that’s how I’m addressed, and it is
not Mrs but Miss. Ms: that’s how I want it. I am
saying this, because I just got a mail from my
manager this morning. It seems that there are people
who attended the church service, and they wrote
about it, addressing me as Mrs. Chimamanda
(Esega). I didn’t like that at all. So my name is
Chimamanda Adichie, full stop!”
Is there anything wrong with what Ms Adichie said? If you
go back to history, African women didn't bear their
husbands name until the advent of colonization. They bear
their parents name. And it's especially difficult if you have
already made a name for yourself with your maiden name.

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