Pearl-adorned Calvin Klein gown is worth $150,000.
Lupita Nyong'o's Oscar gown turned heads on the red carpet — and some unwanted attention after the show. TMZ reports that the hand-beaded Calvin Klein Collection gown, made with 6000 pearls and worth $150,000, was stolen from Nyong'o's room at the London Hotel on Wednesday.
“We got a call at about 11:30 last night from someone at the London Hotel about a high value dress that was stolen from a hotel room,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Officer John Mitchell told the New York Daily News. Since actresses rarely own their red carpet gowns, the Oscar winner wasn’t even able to file a police report; Calvin Klein had to do so.
Not surprisingly, dozens of people had access to Nyong'o's hotel room. Hair stylists, makeup artists, managers, agents, friends and stylists likely kept up a steady parade of the star's quarters leading up to and after the big show.
The good news is that there is plenty of surveillance footage available, and given the weight of the dress, it should be fairly easy to figure out who walked out of her room with it. TMZ reports that the police are reviewing tape from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. yesterday, when the actress wasn’t in the room.
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