The crazy chic who broke into Chris Brown's home, cooked a meal, got
naked and made herself comfortable has been identified as 21 year old
Amira Kodcia Ayep. She's already lost it at 21? Sad!
"The woman who was arrested for breaking into and vandalizing the home
of Chris Brown may have recently flown off the hinges ... living a
delusion in which she believes she is Brown's wife. Amira Kodcia Ayeb posted a message online 4 days
ago, in which she says she's in Malibu "searching for her home." The
21-year-old from Tunisia also says her last name is Brown. It's apparent
she thinks Chris is her husband, which is why she spray painted "Mrs.
Brown" on his cars and in his house." TMZ reports
A friend of Ayeb's tells us Ayeb -- who is an aspiring singer --
attends the University of Houston, and she hopped on a bus last week and
said she was going to see Chris.
TMZ broke the story ... Ayeb was arrested
Wednesday night for breaking into Brown's home and vandalizing two of
his cars. Chris found her naked in his bed, and it appears she was there
for 2 days.
She is currently being held on $50,000 bail.
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