There are different forms of Christian prayer, but whether you have a
set prayer time or seek to communicate with God throughout the day (or
some combination of both), here are 10 Christian prayers that are
extremely dangerous to pray. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray them …
we should! It just means that when we pray them, we should watch out!
1. Teach me humility.
After you pray this Christian prayer for humility, be ready for people
to badmouth you, slander you, and drag your name through the mud. If you
pray for humility, be ready for false accusations, for that “skeleton
in the closet” to be revealed, or for people to belittle you and talk
down to you as if you were inferior.
The only way to learn humility is to be placed in humbling situations, so if you pray for humility, be ready!
2. Teach me patience.
If you pray for patience, get ready to be surrounded by the most
annoying people you have ever met. Get ready for your car to break down
when you are late for an appointment. Get ready for your children to go
bonkers. Get ready for prayers to not get answered. Get ready for
setbacks, roadblocks, and pitfalls.
Just like with all the other Christian prayers on this list, God teaches us patience by taking us through trying times.
3. Lead me wherever you want me to go.
One way this Christian prayer is often prayed is with the words, “Here I am, Lord, send me.”
Usually when we pray this Christian prayer, we think that God is going
to send us into high profile ministry positions, places of honor and
glory, and opportunities to be heard. This is why ministry leaders
almost never “feel the leading of God” to go to smaller ministries and
places of lesser significance. God always seems to “call” pastors and
ministry professionals to bigger churches, richer ministries, and
positions with greater power.
While I do not deny that God sometimes leads people in these directions,
I think that more often than not, God wants to lead us downward, but we
refuse to go. Of course, this does not mean that we will stay in the
gutter if God leads us there. God may very well lift us up out of the
gutter to a place of prominence, but when He does so, He gets the glory
instead of us.
That’s why this is such a dangerous Christian prayer. We want to be used
by God for great things in His kingdom, but God’s path to greatness
usually does not mirror what we had in mind. God’s path to greatness
usually leads to prison, death, and the gates of hell.
Also (and this fits with #1 above), when we pray this prayer, we will
often be faced with a choice between two ministry positions, one that
leads to honor, glory, and fame, and one that leads to obscurity and
insignificance. Though the temptation is to choose glory and honor, such
decisions may actually be a choice to follow Jesus downward into
I once heard Francis Schaeffer say in an interview that if given the
choice between two ministry positions, we should choose the one with
less fame and glory.
7. Give me victory over sin and temptation.

So if you pray this Christian prayer, be ready for an onslaught of all the wiles of the devil.
8. Please help my annoying neighbor/coworker come to Christ.
This is a great Christian prayer. Except guess how God is going to help
your annoying neighbor or coworker come to Christ? That’s right. He’s
going to use you.
I once heard a story of a Bible study group who decided to make a prayer
list of all the people they “disliked” the most, and then pray for
these people every week as part of the Bible study. Over the course of
the next ten years, all but one of the people on that list became
believers, and almost all of them became Christians because the members
of that Bible study showed grace, love, mercy, and forgiveness to these
“annoying” people.
If you are going to pray for someone, be prepared to answer your own prayers.
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