10 Greatest WWE superstars of all time

#6 Shawn Michaels 

10 Greatest WWE superstars of all time - Slide 6 of 11:Shawn Michaels  

Shawn Michaels was among a rare breed of wrestler who proved that you don’t have to be the face of a company to leave your mark in the business.
From his young age itself, Michaels dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler and started off his career with American Wrestling Association. He formed a tag team with Marty Jannetty and the duo went on to become the AWA Tag team titles before WWE signed them and rebooted them as the Rockers.
Michaels split up with Jannetty in a controversial fashion after he super kicked him through the glass window in a WWE segment. Michaels then started his singles run and carried a great feud with Bret Hart through the 90s which acted as the backbone of the company. Michaels was also part of the legendary ladder match with Razor Ramon at WrestleMania X which set the bar for every ladder match which followed and was the first WWE match to get the prestigious 5 star rating by Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
This proved to be the spring board for the Heart break kid and he went on to win the 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumble matches and even won the WWE title at WrestleMania defeating Bret Hart in a 60 minute iron man match.
Shawn was also involved in the Montreal Screwjob incident before joining the DX. His matches with Undertaker at WrestleMania also went in the folklore are epic encounters and Michaels truly deserves a top place in the WWE paradigm.



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